Monday, October 13, 2008

Feisty Bento #233: Leftovers Galore

Lots of recipes forthcoming for the items in this bento, but you're going to have to be patient... I am still slowly posting my SF 2k8 meals!  Patience...

Oh, it was a sister's-house-heavy-weekend, so these are almost all leftovers "stolen" from her house. :)

Top tier: Cabbage & sausage; pork tenderloin with gravy; mixed veggies with butter
Bottom tier: Pickled cucumbers; roasted peppers; bok choy salad (I am so excited about this recipe, I can't wait until I make it so I can post about it and give some notes!)

Happy bento!!!


  1. Again... can't wait for the recipe either!

  2. The only thing better than leftovers is STOLEN leftovers!
