Monday, March 10, 2008

Feisty Bento #131: Onigiri Bento!

Hmm... I bought this a while ago while in San Francisco (for $1.50, natch!), but never wound up using it because the size is odd for the triangle onigiri I make, and I never could get over to the right places for the store-bought onigiri that fit perfectly within to pick up for lunch the next day.  All that has changed!  I've found a Japanese market near my apartment that sells onigir, rejoice! and other assorted Japanese goodies.  I'll go into more detail another time over at Feisty Foodie, though, where I post my regular product, restaurant, recipe, whatever reviews. 

I saw over at Lunch in a Box a while back that she'd used this box but had secured it with a bento belt, but mine wouldn't slide on the way hers did - it would only go over the narrowest point or it felt like it'd snap!  This is the biggest belt I have, so I used this one.  (Plus - and this makes me uber dorky - since it doesn't have a matching bento per se, if it snapped, I'd feel less awful about it.)

The other side!  How cute!

Ta-da!  The big reveal.  Two store-bought onigiri (one salmon, one tuna with mayo), complete with packaging designed to ensure crispy seaweed when you finally eat it.  Yummy.  I don't usually have crispy seaweed with my onigiri, even though I do have similar wrappers (courtesy of my friend in LA, Lilly! complete with Hello Kitty designs and stickers!), I'm just that lazy and I don't mind the non-crispy seaweed, I really don't.  As long as it doesn't stick to my teeth and make me look funny. 

But the bottom opens to reveal:

More goodies!  Mostly veggies, some fishies as well, nearly all banchans and some Mommy-made Napa cabbage.  Yum goodness.  (left to right: pickled cucumbers, fishies, green beans, and Napa cabbage)

Happy bento!!!


  1. That bear container is super cute! :0)

  2. Oh way cool. I have one of those onigiri bento boxes that I will never use, not being an onigiri eater. It came with a Clickety Click set I purchased. I'm considering a giveaway on my site when I hit my 100th bento. That onigiri box is going to be a giveaway. That is if I determine I might possibly have enough traffic to actually warrant a giveawy. Whew. I'm long-winded today. Anyhow, way cute bento!

  3. haha that container is SO COOL!

  4. I love it! So cool. I sure wish I could find this stuff in San Antonio. Word out...somebody well versed in marketing, we are ripe for this in San Antonio, Texas.
