Monday, February 25, 2008

Feisty Bento #121: Snap back to reality

Left to right: Korean pickled veggies in the star cup - I don't know what they are, but starchy strands?; takuan/pickled daikon; ground beef and green beans mixture; rice with dried egg/sesame seed/seaweed furikake on top

So, I'm back from Argentina!  I will be posting up all of the food pictures and reviews of the great restaurants we went to (quite a lot, actually!), over on Feisty Foodie, so stay tuned!  I'm still trying to settle in and catch up here at work, though, so forgive me for being a little slow with that...

Happy BENTO!!!


  1. Welcome back! Hope you had a great time. :)

  2. have you seen these?

  3. Hi...I'm here from Mer's blog. Was just curious to visit your blog. It's fun persuing your bento boxes. It was Mer who introduced me to the word bento. Cheers for now. BTW, oatmeal cookies are really easy to can do it!
