Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Feisty Bento #253: Thanksgiving in a Jar

Please ignore my messy/dirty stove... It's been a crazy hectic week...

I am in love with my Thanksgiving, can you tell?

Left box: Brussels sprouts with bacon; carrots sauteed in butter
Right box: Sweet potato with marshmallow topping; sauteed mushrooms
Jar: Mashed potatoes on the bottom; dark meat turkey shredded on top; gravy slathered all over that

Oh my gosh, I'm so happy that lunch is shortly, because I am starving and this lunch is going to be sooo good.  I know it.  I'm happy about it.  <3  Happy squeal.

Happy bento~!!!


  1. squeal indeed! and i'm jealous of that bento set-up you're using today.

  2. We ran out of Thanksgiving yesterday. :( sigh....I envy your carrots and the turkey with gray.

    ...and I miss my oyster dressing. dammit.

    I think I am going back over to my blog and post the pic' of Pooldad with his hand up the turkey's butt...giggle...I am kidding.

    We had RICE balls in our bento today...too cool...thanks for the inspiration.

  3. I hope by the use of Pooldad you got I am not so anonymous - heehee, don't think I was paying attention when I posted that.

    But I figured "Pooldad with his hand up the turkey's butt" would pretty much let you know, eh?
