Monday, December 8, 2008

Feisty Bento #256: The Last Turkey Sandwich

The last turkey sandwich.  Sniff.  It's the same sandwich, cranberry sauce, turkey breast, stuffing, gravy.  But.

That's the sandwich from the top, before I put the dressing and the other slice of bread on top.  See the bottom right?  The little red peeping out?  That's the slice of toast with cranberry sauce.  Hahahaha.  The very bottom slice of turkey in my container was this ginormous piece.  How else would you have eaten this?!

How else better to spend a super chilly Sunday afternoon except half a ciabatta roll with veggie cream cheese, bacon bits (homemade), a big cup of milk tea (or lai cha as my fellow Asian Americans might call it, holla!), and a book (I can't say good yet, I'm a little disturbed by it so far)... curled up on my couch with a blanket and the dog laying on my lap snoozing???  If there's a better way, tell me... 

(Well, except for the having to go out to get that cup of milk tea, a 10 minute walk each way: I went out to buy duck breast for Sunday night's dinner, but the store - which promised me on Wednesday that they'd have by Friday - did not have it, told me to check back Tuesday - so I took a little walking tour of Forest Hills, going to the Japanese supermarket, then the organic store (which is where they didn't have duck breast - they asked if I wanted a whole duck instead!), then the Chinese bakery, then another grocery store... I like grocery stores, ok?...)

Also a lovely way to spend Sunday afternoon: cooking.

Top tier: homemade cole slaw (recipe forthcoming, I need to tweak a bit); Romaine lettuce leaf liner topped with chili
Bottom tier: chili; celery sauteed with chorizo; carrots sauteed with basil butter


PS SkippyMom, regarding my chili: click through to the recipe :P


  1. Your chili is making me jealous. I've wanted to make chili for a week now and just haven't had the opportunity/chance too. Yours looks delish.
